Club Championship (was the Grand Prix)

Erme Valley

EVH  Club Championships 2025 (was the Grand Prix)
A list of how the scoring works and the events are shown here >>>

Results of January events shown here >>>

The Club Championship aims to:
Encourage EVH members to support and participate in races in the local area
Encourage EVH members to represent the Club in EVH teams
Support events hosted by local running clubs
Promote friendly competition amongst EVH members

How it works:
Points will be awarded for participation in any of the EVH CC events listed
To qualify for points members must run under their own name and for EVH
Bonus points can be scored according to the table given below
To get the parkrun bonus points you can run or volunteer at the nominated parkrun for that month at any time during that month
A league table will be published each month
A trophy will be awarded to the overall winner at the end of the year
1st , 2nd and 3 d positions will be able to nominate charities to receive donations of £100, £50 and £25 respectively from the club
Races will be reviewed throughout the year with suggestions welcomed from EVH members.
Feedback and suggestions will be welcome – please speak to Lynne Whitfield or another member of the committee.
In future, ideally 3 months notice will be given if a race is to be included in the CC.

Month - Nominated Parkrun
Feb - Torbay Velopark
Mar - Plymvalley
Apr - Haldon Forest
May - Teignmouth Promenade
Jun - Greendale
Jul - Bolberry Down
Aug - Sharpham Estate
Sept - Tamar Trails
Oct - Exeter Riverside
Nov - Central Plymouth
Dec - Parke

Bonus Points Points
Marathon (1 only) Age%
Ultra event (1 only) 50
Club age record (including for a non-CC event) 50
Winning an EVH team race for a CC event 20
Track event (1 only) -20
Parkrun (run or volunteer - max 5 points per month at the Parkrun
nominated for that month) 5